Blue Morpho’s Retreat Center is located at Heliconia Lodge outside of Iquitos, Peru.
Check out Heliconia’s Website here.
This page contains relevant and helpful suggestions for organizing travel arrangements to and from Blue Morpho.
We cover here the key elements to help make a comfortable, informed and safe trip:
Traveling Since COVID has finally normalized. Recent travelers have shared the ease they experience going through immigration and traveling within Peru. We recommend that you follow your airlines guidelines and Peru’s national guidelines. Review Peru’s travel requirements here.
Blue Morpho requires that you have comprehensive travel insurance (covering the loss or cancelation of your Blue Morpho retreat) and COVID medical travel insurance to participate in a retreat. Blue Morpho will not refund your retreat fee for any reason including COVID related complications or cancelations to Fore Majeure. Here are some recommendations
All Blue Morpho retreats begin and end in Iquitos, Peru. Incoming international flights will first fly through Lima, Peru before transiting into Iquitos via one of the Peruvian domestic carriers. For international flights, we recommend checking aggregate search engines such as Kayak, Skyscanner and Mobissimo in addition to more common search engines like Priceline, Orbitz or Expedia.
It is best to arrive to Iquitos at least 1 day before the retreat begins. This extra day can help buffer any potential flight delays or cancellations, which do happen on a regular basis when traveling through Peru and South America. You are free to book return flights for any time after 3 pm on the final day of the retreat though it is recommended to spend at least one day in Iquitos or Lima before flying home.
Your retreat will depart Heliconia Lodge for Iquitos around 9:00 am. There are no early departures from Heliconia Lodge on the return day from the retreat. You may schedule to leave the retreat early, but you will need private travel from Heliconia to Iquitos (Cost $200 paid to Heliconia Lodge).
There are several airlines that fly to Iquitos from Lima, so you will have some options for planning a schedule that works for you. Make sure to confirm your flights with your airline before you depart, especially your Lima – Iquitos flights!
The main domestic carrier in Peru is LATAM. If you book with LATAM you may be able to get a cheaper ticket all the way to Iquitos from your departure destination; otherwise it is often cheaper to buy one flight into Lima and a separate domestic ticket from Lima to Iquitos.
Please check with your airline, travel correspondent, agent, or other provider for information on obtaining travel insurance. We strongly advise taking out travel insurance at the time of booking that will cover any financial losses incurred should you have to cancel your visit for any reason; or in case of any unforeseen incidents while in Peru. Here are a few websites we recommend for guests who prefer to shop online for travel insurance:
Travel Insurancere View
Insure My Trip
Iquitos and the surrounding area are typical of a tropical jungle climate: hot and wet most of the year, so pack accordingly. The average high temperature is around 90ºF (32ºC) and average low is around 70ºF (21 ºC), although it can get colder in the evenings. It is a good idea to bring some layers, as body temperature can fluctuate considerably during the ceremonies. Here are some necessary items to bring and a few others that are recommended:
are needed in low light conditions at night. We recommend the Energizer, Petzl, Princeton Tech, or LED headlamps with a red light option, as red light is less afflicting to the eyes during ceremonies. RECOMMENDED Energizer head lamps can be purchased online for under $15 USD.
Please bring an alarm clock (most cell phones have an alarm) to help ensure you don’t miss any important activities throughout the retreat.
On the morning the retreat begins, we will meet at the Victoria Regia Hotel in the city of Iquitos at 8:30 a.m. Once oriented and all together, we will head out to the retreat center by bus and then boat. Transportation from the meeting point to the center and back to the city on the last day is included in the retreat price.
Please note that it is best to be in Iquitos the evening before the retreat begins at the latest. Morning flights into Iquitos are often delayed or canceled by weather. If you do arrive late or after the buses leave, you will have to arrange for transport directly to the retreat center via Heliconia. This typically costs $200 USD.
Our retreat center’s is Heliconia Lodge. All transportation to and from Heliconia Lodge will start at The Victoria Regia Hotel
Please contact Blue Morpho via email at [email protected] if you won’t be in Iquitos the evening before the retreat begins or as soon as you know that you’re going to arrive late.
Be sure to book a hotel for your stay in Iquitos, both before and after the retreat. You will be fully accommodated for the duration of the retreat at Blue Morpho. There are many hotels and hostels to choose from in Iquitos. Sites like Tripadvisor and Lonelyplanet offer reviews from previous travelers as well as booking options. Below are 2 hotels that we recommend.
Victoria Regia Hotel (our recommendation):
Nativa Apartments (great value with kitchenettes):
Transportation is included from the Iquitos Airport to your Hotel.
Iquitos is a bustling jungle city located on the left bank of the Amazon River in northern Peru. Situated between the Rio Nanay to the north and the Rio Itaya to the south, Iquitos is built on a land formation known as a fluvial island. Both rivers flow into the Amazon, and this geography creates a natural boundary containing the expansion of the city. It is reported that Iquitos now has more than 400,000 inhabitants, but a large part of this population is spread outside the city center.
Iquitos was initially established as a Jesuit mission in the 18th century. As the northern most Peruvian city, Iquitos was originally a remote outpost to the indigenous people living in the area. Over time the settlement began to grow and was eventually named the capital of the Loreto Region of Peru. During the 19th century rubber boom, Iquitos was a sought after destination for foreigners seeking to make a fortune. Many of these newcomers settled here and Iquitos grew considerably.
The Amazon River system remains the city’s lifeblood. To this day, there are no roads leading into Iquitos and the only way for goods or people to reach the city is by air or boat.
The Blue Morpho ayahuasca experience is designed to address all aspects of your life at the same time (Health, Spirit, Relationships and Decisions). It is an experience that generates life improvement.
Our intentions with ayahuasca are to help you fulfill your personal intentions. We are here to help guide every step of the way including a ceremonial orientation and daily group discussions. The following information outlines some basics in order to prepare you for ceremony. This covers everything from the setup of the space, to what you should do if you need help, to working with the ayahuasca and ceremonial tools.
At Blue Morpho, ayahuasca ceremonies are usually performed sitting up in a comfortable rocking chair, however; we do have mats available if you are not able to sit for long periods of time or you can no longer sit and need to lie down.
Ceremony goes from 6:00pm until 9:30pm when the lights are turned on.
The world’s #1 Ayahuasca retreat. Enjoy our home made Ayahuasca developed with safety and your comfort in mind.